Introducing RapidAlert, a New Business Continuity Solution

sms for critical incident management

We’re delighted to announce the launch of our new business continuity app, Soprano RapidAlert an advanced incident management solution that enables users to be prepared to send the right message to the right people at the right time quickly and efficiently.

The new app becomes part of nine business app plug-ins for our award-winning Mobile Enterprise Messaging Suite (MEMS) platform – enabling organisations to manage business continuity by deploying SMS alerts within seconds to incident first responders and standby teams.

Emergency Messaging System

The solution can be applied across a wide range of sectors that require reliable business continuity planning or incident management and response solutions, such as security and event staff, healthcare workers providing in-home care to patients, IT teams responsible for system availability & outages and remote workers such as mining technicians, repairmen, construction workers and labourers.

The RapidAlert solution’s key features include:

  • Quick access to pre-defined Business Continuity Plan (BCP) templates & contact lists.
  • Automated SMS delivery for rapid response to incident management team or staff based on event triggers with custom or different information simultaneously.
  • Safety alerting and team coordination using SMS and integration into preparedness and recovery plan.
  • Tracking and auditing provide visibility on whether the message was sent, delivered and responded to. Quickly reacts when no response is received and provides real-time monitoring during the event with summary reports afterwards.

Horden Wiltshire, CEO, commented on the rise in market demand for critical incident response solutions. Extreme events such as natural disasters, the environment, civil unrest and cyber security are a growing concern for businesses, which led to the development of RapidAlert.

“Our crisis management system increases organisation’s agility and responsiveness during and after an extreme event, quickly reaching employees to help reduce the severity impact on damage to reputation, revenue and customer relationships.” Mr Wiltshire said.

“The inability of an organisation to quickly respond during incidents or disruptions directly correlates to increasing costs and damages,” he said.

Mr Wiltshire stated that the ubiquity of text messaging means that RapidAlert enables businesses to reach everyone who needs to be informed immediately and accurately during an incident, whilst also providing enhanced real-time response tracking.