Say hello to workflows with GAMMA 3.2

We’ve released version 3.2 of Soprano GAMMA, our award-winning encrypted mobile messaging application platform for designed specifically for business team collaboration and messaging system integration.

Dedicated workflows tab

Say hi to the Workflows tab, where all your workflows are listed in one easy to find spot. The Workflow display has been completely refreshed with a cleaner look.

secure mobile messaging with gamma 3.2 workflowssecure mobile messaging with gamma 3.2 workflows

Longer PINs

Prefer a PIN longer than 4 digits, containing letters, or no PIN at all? You can now have an alphanumeric PIN of up to 8 characters or skip the PIN completely.

We also updated the PIN screen’s look and added the ability to skip using a PIN for the GAMMA app. A user can choose to then create a PIN at a later date if they wish, or use the app without a PIN.

secure mobile messaging with gamma 3.2 workflows

Enhanced Fallback Notifications

Fallback notifications have been enhanced to improve the user experience. Muting a meeting room or contact conversation will now mute fallback notifications when the user is offline.

We’ve also squished some bugs and added some UI and performance enhancements to improve your user experience.


SOPRANO GAMMA is centrally managed on a cloud platform, with a sophisticated hierarchical enterprise administration portal that enables permissions-based corporate use. GAMMA intelligently escalates to SMS when a user is offline, and allows team messaging with rich multimedia conversations wrapped in three layers of security.

GAMMA can be used to unlock limitless possibilities for workflow automation and business process improvement through its unique “workflow messaging” capability that enables messages with forms, buttons, and menus to enable system automation and replace error-prone typing.